Our Story Begins
many years ago (about 35) in an exotic land far, far away (Arkansas) with a young woman (Caroline) in the throes of food addiction.
No matter what she did—psychotherapy, overeaters anonymous, hypnosis, antidepressant medications—she couldn’t kick the overwhelming urge to binge on bread, cheese, and sweets.

Patty also has a family history of health problems linked to diets high in animal products and refined carbohydrates.
Caroline had been coaching people for several years on transitioning to a nutrient-rich diet, and she frequently encouraged Patty to incorporate more whole plant foods into her diet—particularly greens and beans—as the two walked their dogs on the windy beaches of Morro Bay, CA.
And then, on a foggy day in June,this fateful text arrived from Patty:

Caroline, We have to make a bean bar.
The End.
... well not quite