Are lectins bad for you?

I’ve heard that beans aren’t good for you because of their lectin content. Is that true? Ironically (considering the bad press they've gotten lately), lectins are found in just about everything you eat, including dairy! Eliminating lectins from your diet would leave you little to feast on. Not only that, but some lectins are actually beneficial--like those that bind to carbohydrates and help reduce the glycemic effect of whatever you just ate* Research in nutritional science does not support the view that the lectins in beans are dangerous. To the contrary, thousands of studies have demonstrated the health benefits of...

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Is Brown Rice Syrup Healthy?

Is Brown Rice Syrup Healthy?

I remember when I first found out about brown rice syrup. At the time, I was addicted to all things sweet, and it didn’t take much to finagle me into believing its proponents’ health claims. “It’s a natural, healthy alternative to white sugar,” they promised. Henceforth, if it had brown rice syrup, it was ok to eat it! In fact, I thought, I was probably doing myself a favor! Cookies sweetened with brown rice syrup? Finally a sweet treat I could feel good about! Brown rice syrup flavored non-dairy ice cream? Sign me up! Chocolate balls infused with brown rice...

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What do you eat on a high-nutrient diet (besides beans)?

What do you eat on a high-nutrient diet (besides beans)?

One gianormous salad a day helps keep heart disease and diabetes away. It’s no secret that the standard American diet (SAD) is hazardous to your health. Most of the foods comprising the SAD foundation—like animal products (including beef, chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, etc.), refined carbohydrates (bread, cereal, pasta, bagels, cookies, soda, etc.), and oils (including olive and coconut oils)—are strongly linked to obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and autoimmune illness. Similarly, the foods correlated to a reduction in all the leading causes of death—nutrient-rich powerhouses like leafy greens, fresh fruit, and beans—are conspicuously absent from the typical American fare....

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Use Seed Habits to Stick to a Healthy Diet, One Grape at a Time

Use Seed Habits to Stick to a Healthy Diet, One Grape at a Time

If you’re at all like me, you like food. And if you’re at all like I used to be, you like rich, sugary, salty, oily food while stoically tolerating green leaves and broccoli. Maybe you were even raised in the South (like I was) where they take home-grown, fresh-picked crooked-neck squash and swaddle it in thick batter before plunging it into a roiling skillet of hot crisco. And where Lay’s potato chips are still considered a vegetable. If you are like me, you’ve found it difficult to switch to a diet style based on fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and seeds....

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